Wednesday 27 December 2017

My end-of-year stats

Compared with last year I've written twice as many poems and half as much prose, though my 2017 output of 17 poems (many abandoned rather than finished) is still paltry. I read with interest on Marion McCready's blog that her recent poetry output statistics are - 2015: 11; 2016: 3; 2017: 21. These figures console me, although she points out that some of these poems are long, and doesn't mention that the quality of what she does write is such that it appears in books, "Poetry (Chicago)" etc.

I had about 20 poetry/prose pieces accepted. Usually (2013 was an exception) if I write more I publish more too (i.e. the extra material isn't barrel-scraping rubbish), so next year I shall try to use prompts, workshops, etc to produce more, so I can send off more. As reverse psychology I shall borrow the idea of aiming for 100 rejections in 2018. Wish me luck.

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